10 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Category: Energy

  • Source Rock Royalties (SRR.V): Canada’s only publicly listed junior pure oil & gas royalty play

    Source Rock Royalties (SRR.V): Canada’s only publicly listed junior pure oil & gas royalty play

    My readers know that I love royalty and streaming companies. I really do believe it is one of the best business models ever created. Streaming companies give cash to mining companies in exchange for a share of the mine’s future metal sales. Equity Guru writer Lukas Kane summarizes it nicely: It’s like lending someone $10,000…

  • Copper investing for millennials

    Copper investing for millennials

    Why copper and why now? My readers know me as the commodity guy. My love for precious metals is not a secret. Just check out my gold vault on our Youtube shows. I can talk about gold and silver for hours. But let it be known from this day forward that I, Vishal Toora, am…

  • Here’s why natural gas is going to be critical!

    Here’s why natural gas is going to be critical!

    I was going to title this article “why millennials should pay attention to natural gas”. But it doesn’t matter what your age is. Moves in the natural gas markets will (and are already!) affecting you. If you are a regular reader of Equity Guru then none of this comes as a surprise. Not only have…

  • Uranium – When moon? Probably soon.

    Uranium – When moon? Probably soon.

    The battle between expected future demand and price of uranium continues. There is one thing we need to understand about the uranium market in order to be able to forecast potential or trouble. It’s called the nuclear fuel cycle. The nuclear fuel cycle is the order in which fuel is processed and sold so nuclear…

  • Southern Energy (SOU.V) sells natural gas at a premium to NYMEX, as prices soar

    Southern Energy (SOU.V) sells natural gas at a premium to NYMEX, as prices soar

    Southern Energy (SOU.V) is a $63 million company strategically positioned to benefit from surging natural gas prices. Southern is developing conventional natural gas and light oil resources in the southeast Gulf States of Mississippi, Louisiana, and East Texas. “US Natural Gas futures are trading around the $8.80/MMBtu mark, not far from a 14-year peak of…

  • The importance of helium and three stocks to keep your eye on in 2022!

    The importance of helium and three stocks to keep your eye on in 2022!

    Say, “helium,” and people immediately think party balloons and squeaky voices, but this inert gas is far more purposeful than making your friends giggle with your minion impressions. Among many other things, helium is an integral component when it comes to MRIs, eye surgery, rocket engines, arc welding, nuclear reactors, and superconductivity. For many of…

  • Uranium pullback provides opportunity to buy the dip! Searchlight Resources (SCLT.V), Fortune Bay (FOR.V) and enCore Energy (EU.V).

    Uranium pullback provides opportunity to buy the dip! Searchlight Resources (SCLT.V), Fortune Bay (FOR.V) and enCore Energy (EU.V).

    Long term. You have probably heard or read those two words more times than you can remember in the past few days. Stock markets are selling off hard, bond yields are spiking, the US Dollar is rallying, and the financial world awaits the Federal Reserve rate decision. A lot of volatility and a lot of…

  • Is the hydrogen fuel cell market running on empty?

    Is the hydrogen fuel cell market running on empty?

    It’s Complicated Climate change and hydrogen have a complicated relationship. First, let’s brush up on our chemistry. Hydrogen is a chemical element, represented by the symbol H. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, and flammable gaseous substance. Moreover, hydrogen is the simplest and lightest element on the periodic table. In fact, hydrogen has an atomic mass…

  • Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    If you’re still into crypto it’s become a familiar refrain: another day and another dollar lost. The prices are down and consumer confidence is toast. Even some long term dyed-in-the-wool hodlers are wondering if maybe the dire prognostications about the death of crypto may come true. They won’t to be sure, but if the continual…

  • Fear and uncertainty at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference

    Fear and uncertainty at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference

    Another Vancouver Resource Investment Conference has come and gone and my fitbit racked up somewhere around 30,000 steps over the two day event. I probably lost weight at the conference but I definitely gained insight. Sure. I’ll share. This year’s VRIC was punctuated by a fair amount of anxiety, and dare I say it? Fear,…