Category: Silver
The Fed can’t print gold (it can’t print silver either) – Pure Gold (PGM.V)
There’s rarely been a dull day in the gold (and silver) arena since the calendar turned over to 2020. The madcap volatility we’ve witnessed over the past few months has likely challenged the convictions of even the most hardcore of gold bugs. There’s no shortage of opinions regarding where we go from here. For example,…
Peter Schiff and signs of strength in the junior exploration arena – Skeena (SKE.V) and Alexco (AXU.TO)
Now that the first quarter of 2020 is in the rearview mirror, we can reflect on this recent history. Q1 2020 was THE worst first-quarter EVER for the U.S. stock market. It was darker than even the darkest dark of the Great Depression. Peter Schiff, in a live podcast aired earlier today (April 1), noted…
Impact Silver (IPT.V) site tour Feb. 2020
If one was to stand in the middle of the tiny aldea surrounding Impact Silver’s (IPT.V) Guadalupe Production Center and lob a stone in any direction, chances are you’d hit silver-rich rock—that was my impression anyway, having recently visited the company’s district-scale foothold in a region with an epic history of silver mining. Impact controls…
Stocks tank, gold surges – my locked-down communist wife tells a grim COVID19 virus story
“While the comparison to SARS may provide some guidance, important changes have been experienced in China and the Chinese gold market since the 2003 outbreak,” stated the WGC.
White Gold (WGO.V) – unparalleled discovery potential in Canada’s Yukon
(Once again… I’m currently in Mexico looking at a production/development company. Internet access is limited. In lieu of fresh content, a few recent articles from my Highballer site will have to suffice over the next few days) Highballer article – Feb. 9, 2020… White Gold (WGO.V) Investor presentation Central Yukon, just south of Dawson City,…