9 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Category: Resources

  • Why is Emerita Resources (EMO.V) running so hard?

    Why is Emerita Resources (EMO.V) running so hard?

    Emerita Resources (EMO.V) is a Spain-based Zinc, Lead, Copper, Silver, and Gold explorer with a couple of projects coming to fruition. We’ve been telling you about it for a while because it’s one of those rare companies that’s been wildly undervalued due to legal issues, but likely to win those legal issues very soon and…

  • Copper set to print new all time record highs?

    Copper set to print new all time record highs?

    Metals continue to perform! In recent weeks, I have spoken about the breakouts on the gold and silver markets. The precious metals have been taking the spotlight, but copper is now making its way around the mainstream financial media headlines. And a certain billionaire is the reason why! Before I jump into the fundamentals, let’s…

  • Silver bulls maintain strong uptrend!

    Silver bulls maintain strong uptrend!

    Ever since breaking out above $25.50, silver has been in a technical breakout. In my last article highlighting this break, I spoke about silver taking out a resistance zone which had been held since August 2021. The metals continue to do well in this current market environment… even with some pop in yields and the…

  • Zefiro Methane (ZEFI.E) has three ways to get paid taking over orphaned oil wells

    Zefiro Methane (ZEFI.E) has three ways to get paid taking over orphaned oil wells

    Imagine, if you will. someone came to you with a request to borrow some money for a business. The money would be used to buy an old, end-of-life oil well. A sputtering little hole in the ground that’s not producing much and, to be honest, is more gas than gasoline. “Why would you want to…

  • Alaska Energy Metals (AEMC.V): Another great deal the marketing guys burned, but look behind the curtain

    Alaska Energy Metals (AEMC.V): Another great deal the marketing guys burned, but look behind the curtain

    You probably saw my piece about Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC) yesterday. In it, I lay out how the guys setting up that deal pretty much seemed to have no interest in the gleaming uranium project they’d brought to market, leaving the company stock at a cheap price, with a shitty looking chart that’ll take some…

  • Big mining names bet on South American silver project

    Big mining names bet on South American silver project

    Highlander Silver (HSLV.C) is a mineral exploration company focused on the discovery of exceptional silver-gold projects in the Central Andes, leveraging the team’s significant technical and operational experience in Peru and South America more widely. Currently, the Company is developing the La Estrella project in central Peru. Highlander Silver announced entering into a share purchase…

  • Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC.C) is getting shittered by marketing guys but it’s ok

    Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC.C) is getting shittered by marketing guys but it’s ok

    I’m going to start this by saying Tisdale Clean Energy is not a client. I only mention this because that means I can say whatever the hell I want and if there’s anyone to sue, it’s me alone. Let’s fucking go. Tisdale, right now, is a bit screwed. But it’s going to be okay. I’m…

  • Zentek (ZEN.V) took a years long path to figure out its incredible biotech potential

    Zentek (ZEN.V) took a years long path to figure out its incredible biotech potential

    Today I found myself going down an investment rabbit hole, chasing information about a company that, to be honest, is wallowing, and has for a while. Unmarketed. Unexplained. Unsimple. Unloved. The company is Zentek (ZEN.V). Back in the day, it was an exploration play known as Zen Graphene Solutions that was more focused on developing…

  • Standard Uranium (STND.V) looks to add to Sun Dog’s uranium history

    Standard Uranium (STND.V) looks to add to Sun Dog’s uranium history

    They call it Sun Dog, which is a misnomer in two parts. It’s colder than heck out there for a lot of the year, and it;s definitely no dog of a project. Standard Uranium’s (STND.V) recent adventure at the Sun Dog Project, where they’ve joined forces with Aero Energy Ltd. to explore the atomic depths…

  • Atco Mining and Standard Uranium show promising early uranium drill results

    Atco Mining and Standard Uranium show promising early uranium drill results

    In the remote stretches of northern Saskatchewan’s Athabasca Basin, Atco Mining Inc. (ATCM.C) and Standard Uranium (STND.V) have completed their inaugural drilling program at the Atlantic Project, a 3,061-hectare area promising in uranium potential. The project, which Standard is doing the work on and holds the option on, while Atco raises dough to pay for…