4 July 2024

Howe Street Reporter Title

Category: Recycling

  • Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    If you’re still into crypto it’s become a familiar refrain: another day and another dollar lost. The prices are down and consumer confidence is toast. Even some long term dyed-in-the-wool hodlers are wondering if maybe the dire prognostications about the death of crypto may come true. They won’t to be sure, but if the continual…

  • Circular Economy: 5 smart young tech companies trying to save the planet

    Circular Economy: 5 smart young tech companies trying to save the planet

    The Circular Economy is a model of production and consumption whereby materials that are already in circulation are re-purposed to create new products. “The green transition will free us from our dependence on energy- and other resource imports,” stated Frans Timmermans, Executive V.P. for the European Green Deal, “More specifically it will allow us to…

  • Northstar Clean Technologies (ROOF.V): circular economy investment opportunity

    Northstar Clean Technologies (ROOF.V): circular economy investment opportunity

    The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturing Association estimates each new home roof in America requires approximately 3,000 to 4,000 square feet of asphalt shingles resulting in approximately 300 to 400 square feet of shingle scrap. Extrapolated, that figure grows to an estimated 7 to 10 million tons of shingle tear-off waste and installation scrap from roof installations…

  • Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Not literal gold, you nimrods. Figurative gold.[/perfectpullquote] When we first met Mag One Products (MDD.C) and their CEO, Gillian Holcroft, back in early June, they were floating around at $0.085 a share, having traded as low as $0.05 in the previous nine months, touting their technique for clearing…