4 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Category: Morton

  • MedMen (MMEN.C) lay offs reveal an even deeper sickness within

    MedMen (MMEN.C) lay offs reveal an even deeper sickness within

    So the braintrusts over at MedMen (MMEN.C) have devised a new and novel way to staunch their company’s steady and consistent bleeding: they’re going to lay enough people off that they reduce their overhead to a sustainable rate. Given that the company lost $277 Million in 2019, it’s not unexpected. Sometimes costs need to be…

  • Vitalhub (VHI.V) gets paid and pays off their debentures early like adults

    Vitalhub (VHI.V) gets paid and pays off their debentures early like adults

    Now that the bubble’s all but blown on cannabis courtesy of scandals and Canopy Growth (WEED.T), private funding is drying up and debt financing is where it’s at to raise funds. Most blockchain companies are still thawing out from the crypto-winter, and then there’s Vitalhub (VHI.V), which paid $2,396,520, the sum of its debentures and…

  • The Tinley Beverage Company’s (TNY.C) California distribution leaves 2018 woes in their rear-view mirror

    The Tinley Beverage Company’s (TNY.C) California distribution leaves 2018 woes in their rear-view mirror

    The Tinley Beverage Company (TNY.C) has shipped more than $200,000 worth of products to California distributors’ facilities in June and July. This latest batch completes the long saga that began with a production stoppage in the dying months of 2018 when they were forced to hold back orders of their cannabis-infused non-alcoholic beverages for repackaging…

  • Heritage Cannabis’ (CANN.C) subsidiary Endocanna Health licenses DNA kits for Empower Clinics (CBDT.C)

    Heritage Cannabis’ (CANN.C) subsidiary Endocanna Health licenses DNA kits for Empower Clinics (CBDT.C)

    Endocanna Health, a subsidiary of Heritage Cannabis (CANN.C), has agreed to manufacture and license its patent-pending Endocannabinoid DNA Test Kits to Empower Clinics (CBDT.C). Imagine a product tuned in directly to your specific DNA to give you exactly what you need when you need it. That’s what Endocanna’s test kits offer. Endocanna’s kits provide personalized…

  • Vapen MJ Ventures (VAPN.C) CBD inhalers offer an alternative

    Vapen MJ Ventures (VAPN.C) CBD inhalers offer an alternative

    Vapen MJ Ventures (VAPN.C) knows that inhalers are a perfect alternative to ingesting cannabis for people who cannot stand smoking weed, and that’s why they’ve released their line of CBD-inhalers this week. Traditionally, inhalers are associated with asthma and other respiratory ailments, but Vapen has taken the technology and bent it to their will. And…

  • Patriot One (PAT.T) gets a bead on the fourth component of their PATSCAN sensor technology

    Patriot One (PAT.T) gets a bead on the fourth component of their PATSCAN sensor technology

    Patriot One (PAT.T) today locked down an intellectual property license with Quasar Federal Systems (QFS), the fourth component of their PATSCAN TMS intelligent magnetic sensor technology. The world is a dangerous place, and Patriot One wants to make it safer for everyone. Their PATSCAN technology is one step towards accomplishing that. This is the age of…

  • GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) snares Canopy Growth (WEED.T) grow facility in BC for $13m

    GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) snares Canopy Growth (WEED.T) grow facility in BC for $13m

    As Canopy Growth Corp (WEED.T) retools in the wake of CEO Bruce Linton’s firing earlier this month, buzz on Cannabis Street was that there’d be assets flipped to help get the weedzilla back to its core business. Today we saw the first volley as GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) bought a Kelowna, B.C. expansion site from Canopy…

  • Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?

    Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?

    The canon goes that blockchain technology was invented in 2009 by an unknown programmer named Satoshi Nakamoto. He added a white paper, which reads like part technical manual and part ideological manifesto, and unleashed it on the world in 2010. Then he vanished. He’s left some messages, most of which are thought to be hoaxes.…

  • Crippling student loan debt – a Canadian story

    Crippling student loan debt – a Canadian story

    Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders declared war on his country’s $1.6 trillion student loan debt problem by promising that he was going to tax Wall Street transactions and use the proceeds to pay it down if elected. “This proposal completely eliminates student debt in this country and ends the absurdity of sentencing an entire generation, the…

  • Chemesis (CSI.C) QuickStrip: the Puerto Rico opportunity

    Chemesis (CSI.C) QuickStrip: the Puerto Rico opportunity

    Chemesis International (CSI.C) announced today that they have started selling Rapid Dose Therapeutics’ (DOSE.C) QuickStrip oral thin strips across the United States and Puerto Rico. QuickStrips is a sublingual delivery system for THC, CBD and other compounds that sports a low onset time. You pop it under your tongue and it dissolves in seconds, like…