Category: Friday Forensic
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) shows off its new HPC data centre with big launch party and stock jump
Last night, Vancouver’s tech elite were crowded into the Waterfall Building, off Granville Island, enjoying cocktails, tasty vittles and, most importantly, tours of AMPD Ventures’ (AMPD.C) new DC1 high performance computing data centre. This was no ordinary tech soiree, there were representatives of some seriously large partner companies, potential clients, and folks who AMPD would…
This is an actual MedMen (MMEN.C) news release
When a cannabis company loses a lot of money every quarter, and has to sell real estate, cancel acquisitions, lay off staff, renegotiate existing financing to higher interest rates and offer stock to new financiers at a discount to the market price, all to stay afloat, one might expect their newsflow to show bold new…
2019 weed wrap: The end of the cannabis cycle of cannabis cycles
Like the old Twilight Zone episode where helpful aliens leave behind a book called ‘To Serve Man’, only for us to find out later it’s a cookbook, investors have been welcomed and fattened up nicely by alpha predators as they unwittingly await their slaughter, not realizing that, they’re at the predator’s table because they’re the…
Indignant Pharma CEO explains why the Lower Drug Costs Now Act is a terrible thing
“Americans spend more on prescription drugs than anyone else in the world,” states Bloomberg, “It’s true that they take a lot of pills. But what really sets the U.S. apart from most other countries is high prices.” Cancer drugs in the U.S. routinely cost $10,000 a month. The cost for old drugs has spiked, as…
Dionymed (DYME.C) gives investors a checklist for disaster, and Invictus (GENE.V) is ticking a lot of boxes
Dionymed Brands (DYME.C) is – sorry, was – the low hanging fruit of the cannabis bubble burst. It was always a goner for anyone who looked hard enough, but in a market where aspiration was rewarded more than perspiration, Dionymed sent out all the right news releases to keep the joke going longer than it…
Emerald Health (EMH.V) shareholder call goes somewhat poorly, as JV death spiral looms
The partnership between Emerald Health (EMH.V) and Village Farms (VFF.V) was never going to be smooth sailing, glittery rainbows, and under-taint kisses until the end of time. Let’s face it, brothers will always fight, especially when money is involved. However, a betting man might have thought the partnership between these two would make it through…
Deathwatch: Beleave (BE.C) has less money than you do
Beleaguered Canadian cannabis company Beleave (BE.C) just posted financials after the close of trading on a Friday, which is, as we well know, ‘Friday news dump’ time. True to form for a company that’s never posted good news to my recollection, these financials are absolute toilet. As of September 30, 2019, Beleave had $133,000 to…
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) management pulls baller financing move, fights off shorters
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) CEO Anthony Brown told a reporter yesterday he was looking to raise money for acquisitions and growth, with a $2 million raise announced a few days ago. Nothing weird about that. What was maybe a little weird was the flex Brown was pulling in the announcing of that financing. With his stock heading…
CannTrust (TRST.T) sacks workers, calls it ‘commitment to regulatory compliance’
There’s an old damage control routine that goes, instead of admitting you have a problem, you focus on how you’ve fixed the problem you had, so the interested observer focuses on your fix and not your initial incompetence. CannTrust is at that chapter in their Damage Control 101 textbook. In a news release titled, “Canntrust…
Former Zenabis (ZENA.T) CEO flushing stock hard: 1 million shares down, 23 million to go?
Zenabis (ZENA.C) has four cannabis grow facilities. And it has four licenses. And it says it’s building out 2.75 million square feet of grow space. Amazing. All of those things are things you’d like to see a cannabis company doing. So why is the stock chart this? Well, most cannabis companies are having at least…