Category: Friday Forensic
TSX.V, CSE: Canadian venture capital markets declare “Trudeau Ethics Scandal” weak sauce!
Reading this week’s political headlines, you’d think the media had just unearthed hidden-camera footage of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a Shanghai strip bar – pockets bulging with gold coins – giving a hand-job to the CEO of the China Petroleum Corporation (中国石油天然气集团公司). “Will Trudeau take responsibility for ethics breach?” – Ottawa Citizen. “Trudeau violated…
Invictus MD Strategies (GENE.V) parts ways from KISS’ Gene Simmons, because duh
In news that will shock nobody who has been paying even the smallest sliver of attention, rock n’roll legend, KISS guitarist, and reality show nimrod Gene Simmons has stepped down from his position as Invictus MD Strategies’ (GENE.V) Chief Evangelist Officer, wishing the company whose stock he has probably finished selling off, a fond farewell.…
Supreme Cannabis (FIRE.T) goes on unexpected slide as ETFs re-calibrate, jump CannTrust (TRST.T) 50%
One of the big lessons both a public company CEO and a public company investor have to learn and remember always is, sometimes the market will take you out back and shoot you in the head and it’s not actually your fault, the gods determined that it just had to be done. Supreme Cannabis (FIRE.T)…
Abattis Bioceuticals (ATT.C): A grift building over several years until regulators couldn’t ignore it anymore
Several years ago, when Equity.Guru boss Chris Parry was writing at Stockhouse, he was called out to a new client – a company called Abattis Bioceutical (ATT.C). Abattis execs had just signed a marketing deal with Stockhouse to help tell their story to investors, and were excited for what might follow. As Parry tells it,…
Wayland Group (WAYL.C) crumbles, to RTO with illiquid crypto company, CEO Ben Ward dumped
Canadian licensed cannabis producer The Wayland Group (WAYL.C), formerly Maricann, currently halted for not being able to get their financials through three different audit teams, has succumbed. Long halted at $0.74 in Canada, though still trading on the US OTC at C$0.26, Wayland announced late Friday night, when most people were either asleep or into…
GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) subsidiary gets a sales license, makes product available nationwide
It’s like clockwork, every damn Friday afternoon. I think I’m getting out early to enjoy the weekend, anticipating the chance to get shittered on negronis, only for Health Canada to drop one of their usual Friday afternoon updates on their list of cannabis licenses. And, as per usual, it’s GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) that’s getting another…
GONE: CannTrust (TRST.V) execs bounced by board after 3 Stooges-like revelations of stupidity
We may never know whether it was the brazen hubris of doing a promotional video in front of an unlicensed grow room filled with illegal plants, or if it was the email trail the Globe and Mail discovered yesterday that showed top brass at CannTrust (TRST.V) were not only aware the company was growing illegal…
Berz-Erka: Livewell unhalts after 8 months as Eureka 93 (ERKA.C), rolls back 15:1, loses 90% of its value
We talked to the folks behind Livewell a lot, back in the day. Seemed a good deal, certainly a team that talked a good game. Even bought a little personally. But there was always a coda attached. The projections and plans were big. Maybe too big. Here’s me, the first time I covered them. Little…
Anatomy of a shit-show: Saint Jean Carbon (SJL.V) wants to be a fidget spinner
Over the last few years, we’ve shivved a lot of terrible companies trying to pull a fast one on investors and, almost always, when we do, we face a few weeks of abuse from that company’s faithful. When we said Imagination Park (IP.C) was a bullshit fantasy playing on most people’s ignorance of the virtual…
Relevium (RLV.V) hit by OTC promo request, reveals worst disclosure ever
We’re in the business of marketing companies to people who like to invest in stocks with a high risk/high reward mindset. Sometimes folks call us ‘pump and dumpers’, usually if they haven’t read our work, but we ultimately only write what we believe to be true and we have a track record of writing negative…