Category: Investor Education
When Can I Retire?
This week, I accidentally found out that Mario is 41 years old. I guess that’s what the decades of the running, the jumping, and the smashing the bricks with the head does to someone – it ages them. This type of behavior naturally takes its toll… Who’s going to tell him it’s spinal-fusion time? Arguably…
“How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation”
Shalom again! Since we last spoke, there’s only been two substantial updates to my life. One is that I finally watched Baz Luhrmann’s Elvis (I know, late to the party) and I can’t stop thinking about how the film described the latter half of his life as being like a bird with no place to…
How Do Rising Interest Rates Affect You?
Shalom, my darlings. Since we last spoke, I’ve been extremely preoccupied changing my entire personality after spending exactly one month in Europe. I now wear a necklace engraved with my Hebrew name, begin my newsletters with “Shalom, my darlings”, and not-at-all casually begin every other sentence with “Oh, well when I was in Israel…” (strong…
How to invest when you don’t know what to do
Inflation. Deflation. Stagflation. Markets going down week after week, only to rip up higher. Headlines don’t seem to line up and so-called experts, who claim to have seen it all before, have as many different views as there are Elon Musk lawsuits. When there are too many signals and the immediate road ahead isn’t clear,…
There could be more pain before the market actually turns
Newsfeeds are clogged with “the bottom’s here!” narrative and we’re already seeing a significant bump in positivity in the public markets including risk-on assets like cryptocurrency, but are we out of the woods? This stream of social media ‘good news’ and bullish fervor comes as the yield curve inversion is in full swing. It might…
How To Start Investing: A Guide for Cool Girls Only.
I am not writing this in real time. I wrote this a month ago, before I took a hiatus to Israel and Greece and hopefully, I have now “found myself” or something of the sort. Regardless, writing this far in advance is a sure-fire way for me to hate everything I have written. (I am…
TBT: Market Crashes and Lindsay Lohan
Every other day it seems I’m confronted with throwback pictures of Lindsay Lohan on my Instagram Explore feed. Whether she’s sandwiched between Paris Hilton and Britney Spears on a night out, passed out drunk in a car or posing sexily with kitchen knives in a racy DIY photo shoot, the accounts updating me on Lohan’s party girl past are usually…
Time Value: Of Money and Of Self
Last week was my birthday. And as they say, “you can cry if you want to”. (Which I usually do. It is my perpetual issue with the notion of time – probably an anxiety that I should save for my therapist, but here we are, Substack will have to suffice). Time has always been a…