Category: Millennial Falcon
Weed roll-up BZAM (BZAM.C) used stock to buy assets <60 days before asking for creditor protection
You’ve built a decent little company. You’ve grown some brands. You’re feeling okay about things when a bigger company comes along, offers you a bunch of their stock, making you a significant shareholder, and tells you there are other strong hands in the investor base, including the wealthy chairman who has been lending the company…
Peyote at the ready: Lophos Holdings (MESC.C) expands license, lays out product specs
What a time to be alive; there was a period in our civilized history where getting alcohol on a Sunday was a tough racket, now we’re exploring the safe supply of cocaine, goverment sold weed, prescribed MDMA, magic mushroom microdosing and, increasingly, the wondrous powers of peyote being safely available to those who partake. It…
Bionxt Solutions (BNXT.C) shows how pivots don’t have to mean resets
Several years back, Hugh Rogers was in my office talking about his cannabis company. Way back then, the plan was to grow in Germany and be first on the continent, using an old wartime bunker as a ‘safe growing facility’. Those plans morphed quickly as the reality of the cannabis space became clear. The cannabis…
Lophos Holdings (MESC.C) is selling peyote soon, and you didn’t even know
Lophos Holdings (MESC.C) is a Canadian public company – the only public company – specifically focused on the quickly liberalizing psychedelics sub-sector of Peyote and Mescaline. You may be sitting back in your chair now thinking, “Well hello there,” and I’m with you. For most of my life, peyote was a thing we did with…
Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC.C): A 20-yr uranium basket case until… just now
If you factor in all the rollbacks and the sell-offs and the flat years and the crashes, the downturns and boardroom battles and pivots and losses, Tisdale Clean Energy Corp (TCEC.C) has been a decades-long garbage disposal for investor dollars. But a funny thing has been happening in the last month, since Vancouver mining guy…
Revive Therapeutics (RVV.C): Covid came, Covid went, but Revive is still fighting
Back at the dawn of Covid-19, a load of public companies started pumping out news releases that claimed they were going to be entering the medical space. In the best tradition of Howe Street, long dormant mining companies suddenly became med-tech deals, hawking everything from clear plastic checkout counter dividers to virus sniffing doorways to…
Core Story: FendX Technologies (FNDX.C) repels and kills pathogens and viruses
We went after this company as a client because there are three things about it that make me swoon. 1: The CEO has done it all before, in this industry, and has more knowledge about her domain than most 2: The product is needed, necessary, cutting edge, and quickly developing with their academic partners 3:…
The Core Story: West High Yield Resources (WHY.V) has taken 20 years to be next in line
Part of what makes investing in mining explorers interesting is, you never know when your horse is running. You can trot down to fraser Downs and place a bet on a horse and, when the gates open, it’ll be off and running. Win or lose, at least you know there’s going to be a result.…