Category: Moneyball Picks
Perimeter Medical Imaging AI (PINK.V): After 3 years, it’s half-priced, AI-based, and in FDA trials
If you’ve been around here for a while, like going back three years or so ago, you may recall a former client company in Perimeter Medical Imaging (PINK.V). I really loved repping PINK, because sometimes it’s nice to be able to say that you really ARE trying to cure cancer, and make some profit while…
Cannabis memory lane: Who’s sticking it out, who’s dead and dying
I was feeling every ounce of my chest cold, the thing everyone apparently has, the one that’s going around, the one that’s not covid but who could tell. I was also standing on a stage at the Richmond Chamber of Commerce awards gala, blinking at stage lights and peaking over the shoulders of some very…
Lophos Holdings (MESC.C) is selling peyote soon, and you didn’t even know
Lophos Holdings (MESC.C) is a Canadian public company – the only public company – specifically focused on the quickly liberalizing psychedelics sub-sector of Peyote and Mescaline. You may be sitting back in your chair now thinking, “Well hello there,” and I’m with you. For most of my life, peyote was a thing we did with…
Lucy Loves Luchre: Medexus Pharmaceuticals (MDP.T) is growing fast, keeping the bottom line trim
Hey y’all, Lucy Copperpot back for more analysis of Equity.Guru companies – this one is no longer on the client list, but I asked for permission to dig in anyway because I really think a ton of risk has been removed from Medexus Pharmaceuticals (MDP.T) that the market hasn’t factored in, and that’s a real…
Roof blows off Benton Resources (BEX.V) stock as Falcon Gold (FG.V) lifting hard nearby
Over the last few days, holders of Benton Resources (BEX.V) stock have been eating steak and getting measured for yacht wear. Bastards. If you want to know why, it’s because of the following, on a project Benton has optioned from Spruce Ridge Resources (SHL.C) : BENTON HITS MULTIPLE HIGH GRADE COPPER ZONES IN FIRST TWO…
Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC.C): A 20-yr uranium basket case until… just now
If you factor in all the rollbacks and the sell-offs and the flat years and the crashes, the downturns and boardroom battles and pivots and losses, Tisdale Clean Energy Corp (TCEC.C) has been a decades-long garbage disposal for investor dollars. But a funny thing has been happening in the last month, since Vancouver mining guy…
Revive Therapeutics (RVV.C) licenses patent on long COVID biomarkers
Revive Therapeutics (RVV.C), a company that specializes in creating treatments and tests for diseases that don’t have many existing options available, has made a deal with a health research group called Lawson Health Research Institute to license the rights to use special signals in the blood—called biomarkers—that can show if someone has ‘long COVID.’ “We…
Ashley Gold (ASHL.C) CEO is tired of waiting around, wants drills in the ground
Conventional wisdom in the junior mining world is, if your stock price isn’t ramping up, and the market isn’t giving love to anyone, the one thing to do in a hurry is wait. Just.. wait. Pay yourself of course, because you’re not a charity. And maybe put out a news release about some conference you’re…
Beacn Wizardry and Magic (BECN.V) unveils new streamer product at TwitchCon 2023
A year ago, when I first talked to the team behind Beacn Wizardry and Magic (BECN.V), nobody paid any attention. Like, literally, nobody. I loved the idea of a local hardware electronics company, run by guys who had fueled the rise of some much larger players with iconic and innovative design, who were looking to…
Core Story: Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) opens two fronts on the lithium exploration plan
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) attracted no attention the first time we mentioned it. “Oh, cool, another lithium project, how original,” barked the usual naysayers in the usual places naysayers say nay. But Penny White has faced down the cynics before, plenty of times (including some we’ve reported on), but she’s not infamous for fading away. Rather,…