Category: Team Pump
Prospera Energy (PEI.V)’s big corporate evolution: From incompetence to dishonesty
Every junior markets public company goes through an evolution or five in the first few years of their life. It’s natural. Any time you’re expected to get from ‘adventurous idea’ to profit quickly, with a daily scorecard on your back and short sellers and day traders and brokers rummaging through your pockets any tme you…
The Curious Case of Maple Leaf Green World (MGW.C)
Long time readers will remember the weird ass name of Maple Leaf Green World (MGW.C) from several years back in the cannabis space, when a group arrived from China determined to make their riches in the North American weed fields, only to end up in a small, dank, broken down greenhouse in Nevada, under a…
WTF is happening with: American Aires (WIFI)
Buying the pump can be a dangerous game, but no company on the North American markets right now is driving its pump as hard as American Aires (WIFI.C), a company that long time readers will recall from back in 2019 as a big ass pump that didn’t make much sense at the time, but made…
Weed roll-up BZAM (BZAM.C) used stock to buy assets <60 days before asking for creditor protection
You’ve built a decent little company. You’ve grown some brands. You’re feeling okay about things when a bigger company comes along, offers you a bunch of their stock, making you a significant shareholder, and tells you there are other strong hands in the investor base, including the wealthy chairman who has been lending the company…
LQR House (LQR.Q) puts involuntary hold on 1/3 of float, calls it a ‘dividend’
Liquor e-commerce platform LQR House (LQR.Q) made a bold but carefully worded announcement in January of this year that seemed like one of the greatest deals ever. A $1 per share dividend. LQR House Inc., a niche e-commerce platform specializing in the spirits and beverage industry, is pleased to announce that the Company’s Board of…
Lucy Loves Luchre: Psyence Group (PSYG.C) was always just a shroom chaser
The boss has told me to start running the rule over weed and psychedelics companies with a view to picking out anything that’s quietly profitable, or could be soon, among the general dross of both sectors, and to say I’m excited by that would be an overstatement. In general, cannabis companies are hamstrung by government…
Tempus Resources (TMRR.V) rolls grenade into the room and leaves the country
Just days after Tempus Resources (TMRR.V, though not for much longer) dropped a middling resource update and ‘big news’ that they were extending the option on a lithium property, CEO Jason Bahnsen has announced not only is he not closing that deal after all, but his company is abandoning the Canadian markets altogether and disappearing…
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) will make you a believer, as the sun burns you alive
If you’re not big on mining and resource exploration as an investment opportunity, I get it. I really do. The resource crowd can be very inside baseball and a little old school, which is weird when you consider that nearly every video game that’s been a success in the last 20 years has some sort…