Category: Technology
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C): 52% jump on high performance computing provider validates CEO stance of ‘patience and focus’
When folks ask AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) CEO Anthony Brown what his company does, he usually asks, “Have you seen the Spielberg movie, Ready Player One?” Most people say no. That’s a shame, because the movie is great, and it explains what AMPD is looking to achieve pretty well. AMPD wants to build The Oasis, a…
EarthRenew (ERTH.C) just showed us exactly how it can scale operations
EarthRenew anticipates finalizing its feasibility study, signing a letter of intent with the Partner and finishing preliminary engineering later this quarter.”
Predictmedix (PMED.C) partners with India Fortune 500 Company
Impairment is an expensive problem at the workplace and Predictmedix impairment detection technology is also designed to identify alcohol and cannabis impairment. The two Predictmedix technologies will be deployed at Indian Oil Bhawan, New Delhi within the next 3-4 weeks.
You can’t fight the Fed. But you can hedge against it. The case for crypto (Part 1/2)
When you have one hammer, everything begins to look like a nail. For the Fed, it’s “print money, cut rates”. Act First, Think Later It began in 2008 when the crash of the housing market pushed the economy into a recession. The precedent was set, and policy response included a bailout and an aggressive expansion…
TGS E-Sports (TGS.V) lands on the CSE with plans to build global gaming stadium empire
E-sports stocks are, by and large, a silly thing right now, with a lot of folks bringing out deals that make little sense financially. As with the psychedelic space, the blockchain world, and the early days of the cannabis sector, most investors are less concerned about long term viability as they are not missing a…
Helium deals rise to the top: Why Royal Helium (RHC.V) and Desert Mountain Energy (DME.V) are ripping
I know you guys are all hopped up on goofballs buying gold right now, and shrooms before that, and biotech if you’re clever, and oil and gas for a minute, and weed when you’re bored and remember the good old days, and there’s always someone in the cheap seats banging on about silver and copper……
Perimeter Medical Imaging AI: Covering the Margin Calls for Cancer
For the last eight months, the Covid-19 virus has been the centre of attention in the media, the markets, and the medical field. Collectively, countries, government agencies, academic institutions and pharmaceutical companies across the world have poured hundreds of millions into efforts combating the viral outbreak that has left so many countries and populations struggling…
ImagineAR (IP.C) announces ‘imminent’ deal, which hasn’t happened yet and might not, but it’s TOTALLY IMMINENT GUYS
Look man, when I run my lance of justice through a piece of shit tech company that makes insane promises and almost no money, and its share price halves in a few days, I generally take a step back and let the dust settle before I go back in for more. It’s not that I…
Pump hard: ImagineAR (IP.C) is back to its old tricks, fueling a stock run on phantom deals and celebrity farts
I shot out of town for a few weeks recently, managing to get well drenched in a tent in the BC rainforest, and being without cellphone access for most of two weeks will teach a guy a thing or two about his relationship to the markets. It used to be said you should ‘sell in…
PredictMedix: Value Meets Growth
Technology is different from every other sector by virtue of one important factor – it scales. Because technology is scaleable, firms penetrate international markets easily, exercise greater pricing power, and capture bigger margins. Businesses exist to solve problems. In solving problems, they create value. Capturing that value, on the other hand, is independent of how…