15 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Category: Technology

  • Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Not literal gold, you nimrods. Figurative gold.[/perfectpullquote] When we first met Mag One Products (MDD.C) and their CEO, Gillian Holcroft, back in early June, they were floating around at $0.085 a share, having traded as low as $0.05 in the previous nine months, touting their technique for clearing…

  • Patriot One (PAT.T) gets a bead on the fourth component of their PATSCAN sensor technology

    Patriot One (PAT.T) gets a bead on the fourth component of their PATSCAN sensor technology

    Patriot One (PAT.T) today locked down an intellectual property license with Quasar Federal Systems (QFS), the fourth component of their PATSCAN TMS intelligent magnetic sensor technology. The world is a dangerous place, and Patriot One wants to make it safer for everyone. Their PATSCAN technology is one step towards accomplishing that. This is the age of…

  • Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?

    Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Where in the world is Satoshi Nakamoto?

    The canon goes that blockchain technology was invented in 2009 by an unknown programmer named Satoshi Nakamoto. He added a white paper, which reads like part technical manual and part ideological manifesto, and unleashed it on the world in 2010. Then he vanished. He’s left some messages, most of which are thought to be hoaxes.…

  • Anatomy of a shit-show: Saint Jean Carbon (SJL.V) wants to be a fidget spinner

    Anatomy of a shit-show: Saint Jean Carbon (SJL.V) wants to be a fidget spinner

    Over the last few years, we’ve shivved a lot of terrible companies trying to pull a fast one on investors and, almost always, when we do, we face a few weeks of abuse from that company’s faithful. When we said Imagination Park (IP.C) was a bullshit fantasy playing on most people’s ignorance of the virtual…

  • The trouble with robo advisors

    The trouble with robo advisors

    At a party several months ago, I overheard, and was drawn into, an interesting conversation while en route to the bathroom. The conversation was about finances, naturally. A friend of mine was admonishing another of our mutual friends for a lack of diligence in his financial planning. After years of late-nights and the resulting promotions…

  • Nano One (NNO.V) stock resumes trading following bevy of R&D, investment activity

    Nano One (NNO.V) stock resumes trading following bevy of R&D, investment activity

    Following a brief hiatus, shares of Nano One Materials (NNO.V) resumed trading Monday, offering investors the opportunity to gain exposure to a company that recently completed a bevy of R&D and investment activity in the advanced battery market. NNO.V trading resumes NNO shares skyrocketed on Monday shortly after a press release confirmed that the company…

  • Deciphering Cryptocurrency:  Mark Zuckerberg still doesn’t care about your privacy

    Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Mark Zuckerberg still doesn’t care about your privacy

    Cryptocurrency is a hard sell for most people. The average person isn’t interested in things like censorship resistance, immutability, security, peer-to-peer services and other things that get blockchain enthusiasts off. Instead, Joe or Jane Citizen is interested in set-it-and-forget-it solutions so they can get back to living their best lives. These people are either shocked…

  • Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin’s bastards

    Deciphering Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin’s bastards

    Blockchain’s a dense topic with a lot of moving parts that can be confusing to the uninitiated. It’s one of those topics that you never stop learning about once you get started. If we’re going to discuss some of the denser, more difficult topics later on, we need a good foundation in the fundamentals. Blockchain…

  • Patriot One Technologies (PAT.T) inks $6 million deal with security company

    Patriot One Technologies (PAT.T) inks $6 million deal with security company

    Patriot One Technologies Inc. (PAT.T), a Vancouver-based covert weapons-detection company, has signed a multi-year reseller agreement with a West Virginia-based security provider to begin deploying its proprietary camera infrastructure. Beginning immediately and for at least the next three years, Cramer Security & Investigations Inc. will distribute at least 150 units of Patriot One’s PATSCAN VRS…

  • Deciphering Cryptocurrency: surviving the winter

    Deciphering Cryptocurrency: surviving the winter

    There is lots of speculation about why Bitcoin is up this week ranging from an insecure reaction to Trump’s trade war with China, to new big names now accepting cryptocurrency. It’s too early to tell if this is the end of the crypto-winter or whether we’ll look back on this week as a type of…