Category: Technology
Rift Valley Resources (RVR.C): Rural internet through TV signals? Hmm..
Sometimes bringing on a new client in my line of work can be a tricky business. Because we stand behind our much ballyhooed commitment to present you unbiased coverage on the companies we write about, whether they pay for our attention or not, we sometimes have to deal with the experience of firms that aren’t…
Patriot One (PAT.V) just locked down some important IP
Patriot One (PAT.V) has developed the award-winning “PATSCAN covert weapon detection system” which detects concealed weapons from parking lots to buildings. With an Amnesty International Report calling “gun violence in the United States a human rights crisis” – and about 40,000 Americans shot dead every year, the success of PAT’s hardware has mortal implications. On…
Let’s talk weed infrastructure: 3 Sixty Secure Corp (SAFE.C) to debut Tuesday
I’ve not exactly been hiding my opinion that a lot of weed investments right now are overpriced market plays that, when the rubber hits the road, will struggle to do real business. The reasons for that are many, but mostly apply to really big valuations attached to what are really agri plays. If you don’t…
Nano One Materials (NNO.V) announces big battery tech partnership with 350-yr-old French giant Saint Gobain
Since the first day that I first mentioned Nano One Materials, way back when Equity.Guru began, Nano One Materials (NNO.V) has always been lining itself up for the day, sometime in the distant future, when a big global player would come in and verify that, yes, they have something here, and it’s something important. We’ve…
Trackloop (TOOL.C): Real business with real businesses in the logistics tracking space
To tell this story in 25 words or less would be to do it a terrible injustice, so I’ve sat on it for a bit, letting the dust settle, seeing how the market would accept it without my help. The answer to that is, meh, the market is a bit distracted right now, it’ll get…
Three non-weed deals you don’t know: ParcelPal (PKG.C), Clear Blue (CBLU.V), and Titan Medical (TMD.T)
If I was getting paid by the number of pitches I hear, I’d be making a lot more money than I do. Often, they’re terrible. And I include ‘just okay’ in the terrible column, because if your investment pitch isn’t lights out amazing, it’s death. Sometimes I hear pitches that I really love, but the…
Here’s what’s next: e-Sports is happening right now, and hell’s coming with it
I’m about to land at the next Cambridge House extraordinary Future investor conference this week, with more speaking events than I honestly know what to do with. Part of the reason why they’re being tacked on is because we here at Equity.Guru have spent the last year telling you virtual reality/augmented reality is coming to…
Extraordinary Future investor conference: Get your ass off the couch, Sparky
Investors like to complain. “This company sucks, they never talk to investors.” “Insiders know about early financings and we’re always left out.” “Does anybody know about this company? All I can find is the investor deck..” Well, obviously nobody talks to you about their deals, their financings, their news, because you’re sitting at home reading…