Category: Technology
Proof of Business: CUV Ventures, Hashchain, Block One, Enterprise Group putting blockchain 2.0 in place
Saw a news release this week from a company I haven’t looked at in years, and it brought a wide smile to my face because, damn it, this is the future, yo. ENTERPRISE EQUIPMENT CONTROLS & AUTOMATION LOWERS COSTS, INCREASES REVENUES Enterprise Group Inc. (E.T) has further enhanced its proprietary dispatch and asset tracking software…
Hashchain Technology (KASH.V) announces deal for more crypto rigs, dilutes up a storm
It’s been on a little rip the last few days while putting out ‘we have no idea why’ news releases, but Hashchain Technology (KASH.V) finally put out it’s reason why today; They’re tossing out a bunch of new shares to bring in 5,000 more cryptocurrency mining rigs. And when I say ‘a bunch’, I mean…
Blockchain moves to Proof of Business: HIVE, UPCO, LTV, BLOC, VHI, DASH, KASH on a hard climb
When the first blockchain profit party ended last December, and companies that had been on an absolute tear of upward multiples began to turn the wrong way, few in the industry seemed too bothered about it all. Blockchain execs on the public market largely shrugged, some admitting there had been too fast of a run…
Alright blockchain deals, enough of this bullshit: Ether Capital (ETHC.E) buys Ethereum with its financing $
Every now and then a company comes along that wants to raise a whole whack of cash from you so they can do what you could just do yourself if you weren’t so freaking lazy. “We’re going to invest in cryptocurrencies!” is a new one, and it’s as dumb an ideas it sounds. Mostly because…
Vitalhub (VHI.V): Undervalued health tech player is following RHT’s well worn path
About a year back, I told you guys about a telemedicine company called Reliq Health Technologies (RHT.V). You didn’t pay much attention because it was little and new and ‘telemedicine’ sounds like a Home Shopping Channel show at 2am that sells Acai supplements. But this is what happened soon after. A $5000 bet on the…
CUV Ventures (CUV.V): What if you built a bank while nobody was looking?
when you ask Steve Marshall, CEO of CUV Ventures (CUV.V) about Cuba, he says, “It’s a lovely place. Great people. Lots of opportunity.” He doesn’t say (anymore), “We are all in on Cuba.” He used to, but the world has changed a little. Pre-Trump, Cuba opening to the world was the next big thing. But…
China’s strange love-hate relationship with blockchain
After the Great Data Rush of 2017, the blockchain sector is cooling. Opportunistic companies like “Organic Blockchain Landscaping” and “Zesty Blockchain Pizza” are melting in the spring rain. Crypto-miner Hive (HIVE.V) has sunk from $4.71 on October 31, 2017 to $1.26, while Bitcoin fell from a high of $20,000 to under $7,000. China has played…
Leonovus (LTV.V) transitions smoothly from “Proof-of-Concept” to Sales
Bangkok-based Equity Guru writer and tech wizard, Craig Amos just informed me that every night there are multiple efforts to hack the Equity Guru website. Trying to gain a financial benefit from breaching our “back-end” – is like breaking into a gravel pit looking for French truffles. There is no banking information. No blackmail collateral. …