Tag: cannabis
How Plus Products’ (PLUS.C) CEO Jake Heimark conquered California – and what he’s gonna do next
While the Noveau-riche cannabis bosses partied with company credit cards, Plus Products put its head down, did the researching, the strategizing, eventually building products that sold like hotcakes.
GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) CEO locks down the future, thumps chest on Twitter
GTEC Holdings (GTEC.C) is a company we’ve written about a lot, a BC-based cannabis grower that laid out a business model of multiple small licensed grow facilities, hitting the premium artisan weed market. Their products are great, their costs are low, and they’ve never yet benefited from the irrational weed booms of the ’15, ’16,…
Green Organic Dutchman (TGOD.T) drops fat quarterly loss, underwhelming revenues
No company in the Canadian cannabis space polarizes people like Green Organic Dutchman (TGOD.T), which roared to the public markets on perhaps the biggest promote yet seen, raised nine-digit totals along the way, swept in more first time private placement participants than any company before them, and then did… well… nothing, for a long time.…
Heritage Cannabis (CANN.C) builds CBD extraction facility with JV partner in Oregon
Heritage is now installing extraction and post-production equipment units at Empower’s existing licensed hemp processing facility in Sandy, Oregon, to begin performing “hemp-based product manufacturing for proprietary formulations, tolling services, and third-party white labelling services for other distributors throughout the United States”.
Gaia Grow (GAIA.V) sells hemp, buys cannabis stores
The deal proposes that Gaia will acquire “all of the share capital of 1202465 B.C. (Nelson store) and Patriot Cannabis Brands (2 Powell River stores) from Blackhawk.