Tag: cannabis
C21 Investments (CXXI.C): Now the clown car has emptied, C21 trades at 2.5x sales
Back in December, I wrote a few stories about C21 Investments (CXXI.C), and how, at a $50 million market cap and $0.71 share price, and with $35m in revenues coming in from US assets, it was a bit of a steal. Someone, somewhere, agreed, and the share price of CXXI went on a tear from…
Pasha Brands (CRFT.C) board of directors is a who’s who of cannabis stars
I can count on one finger the number of times I’ve looked at a board of directors announcement and thought ‘wow’. That count is currently at one. Pasha Brands (CRFT.C) has killed it out of the gate with a board consisting of Patrick Brauckmann, Rosy Mondin, Scott Walters, and Hugo Alves. You either know those names or you’re…
Experion Biotechnologies (VIR.V) starts telling its story, and you get the savings!
Jay Garnett from Experion Biotechnologies (VIR.V) has precisely zero f’s to give about building a million square feet of cannabis grow. He’s not buying a hemp farm in the Outer Hebrides, or a license application in Mongolia, or a mega greenhouse near the airport in Nunavut. He’s got a ten acre property in BC with…
Namaste Technologies (N.V) finally posts financials, and they’re rife with bad scenes
If there’s anything good in the financial statements just posted by Namaste Technologies (N.V) – last thing on a Friday afternoon, naturally – it’s that they have a lot of cash, and we finally know just how badly the company was being run last year, before CEO Sean Dollinger was turfed out. The highlights aren’t…
Vapen MJ (VAPN.C): What if you built a weed company that actually made money?
I know what you’re going through. Yet another cannabis company going public. Holy smokes, does it never end? What are we at now, 300+? That was certainly my feeling when I walked into the offices of the folks bringing Vapen MJ (VAPN.C) public. ‘Vapes?’ I wonderd. ‘Who’s doing vapes these days?’ “We are, and we’re…
Cannabis One (CBIS.C) kicks shareholders in the nuts
The executive team at Cannabis One (CBIS.C) may want to invest in some damage control experts going forward because shareholders are raging at them right now on social media over their actions (and inactions) of the past week. Despite ongoing newsflow that showed the company acquiring properties and closing deals, the CBIS share price has…
AgraFlora (AGRA.C) sells non-core assets to ICC Intl (WRLD.U), will focus on 2.2m sq ft greenhouse
Regular readers know I’ve been critical of ICC International (WRLD.U) for some time, but news today the company would purchase AgraFlora Organics’ (AGRA.C) Colombian pharmacy assets brings me a rare opportunity to applaud both players in the deal. ICC International Cannabis Corp. (CSE: WRLD.U) is pleased to announce that the Company has entered into a…
Emerald Health (EMH.V) director stands down over security clearance issues
Buried in a news release discussing a shares-for-cash payment to an acquisition target, Emerald Health (EMH.V) stated Monday it is losing a board member over Health Canada security clearance concerns. Punit Dhillon is a self-described ‘life science thought leader‘ who likes to give TED Talks and has been involved with several biomedical companies on North…
Supreme Cannabis (FIRE.T): Enough screwing around, you guys, get behind quality
The old junior markets rule #1 is ‘buy rumour, sell the news’, and no company I’ve ever seen illustrates this in practice more than Supreme Cannabis (FIRE.T). For several years now, whenever it tiptoes upwards in share price, a news event happens and shareholders sell off. It happens like clockwork, and it’s infuriating. Don’t get…
Pasha Brands (CRFT.C) takes a contrarian weed grow approach: Smaller, but plentiful
Ask anyone who has more experience growing cannabis than a sophomore college student whether they’d be keen to grow a million square feet of weed, and they’d likely point out the problems inherent in such a task. Automation is nice. Hordes of newly trained staff are fine. Hooking up to a nuclear power station and…