12 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Tag: China

  • India, Italy, Brazil, China and Spain or how sovereign debt smashed BRICS and deflated the EU dream

    India, Italy, Brazil, China and Spain or how sovereign debt smashed BRICS and deflated the EU dream

    The financial crisis of 2007 wiped trillions off our global financial ledger. National economies reeled in the wake of banking’s biggest boo-boo since Reagan’s deregulation of the American Savings and Loan industry triggered the failure of almost two-thirds of the 3,234 savings and loans institutions in the United States from 1986 to 1995. Now, sovereign…

  • The end of the world, or, how I learned to live with a habitually shrinking PMI

    The end of the world, or, how I learned to live with a habitually shrinking PMI

    The Institute of Supply Management (ISM) U.S. manufacturing survey was released yesterday and, boy, did it ever raise alarms. Estimations of the ongoing U.S.-China trade war have been on a piecemeal basis up until now: It is common knowledge American soybean farmers are struggling, but calculating the material effects on U.S. business as a whole…

  • Are CNN’s Chinese reporters playing dumb?

    Are CNN’s Chinese reporters playing dumb?

    “China’s economic slowdown keeps getting worse,” wrote CNN reporter Laura He on September 16, 2019, “That could give the country incentive to repair its trading relationship with the United States.” Indeed, it could. It could also give China incentive to ban ping-pong or mandate the eating of cheeseburgers on Tuesdays. If China is “slowing down”,…

  • China to Trump: “You owe us $1 trillion you rude Nazi!”

    China to Trump: “You owe us $1 trillion you rude Nazi!”

    Cadet Bone Spurs (President Trump) has an obsession with nicknames (“Crooked Hilary” “Sleepy Joe” “Crazy Bernie”) so he’s probably aware that Chinese pundits refer to him as “唐纳德” – a double entendre – meaning both “Donald” and “Rude Nazi”. Other popular nicknames for Trump translate as “Rogue Villain” “Dishonest Greedy Merchant” and “Senile Politician.” Unearthing…

  • China: Markets, Media & Mayhem

    China: Markets, Media & Mayhem

    Markets: This week, Chinese stocks plummeted 5.7% after the Chinese government hinted that it would stop stimulating the economy. On Friday, the Shanghai Composite index fell an additional 1.2% to 3,086, Japan’s Nikkei 225 index fell 0.2% to 22,258 and South Korea’s Kospi declined 0.5% to 2,179. Chinese sovereign bonds – issued by the local…

  • China: Markets, Media & Mayhem

    China: Markets, Media & Mayhem

    Markets: This week, Chinese stocks plummeted 5.7% after the Chinese government hinted that it would stop stimulating the economy. On Friday, the Shanghai Composite index fell an additional 1.2% to 3,086, Japan’s Nikkei 225 index fell 0.2% to 22,258 and South Korea’s Kospi declined 0.5% to 2,179. Chinese sovereign bonds – issued by the local…

  • Yield Growth (BOSS.C) enters China’s hemp market

    Yield Growth (BOSS.C) enters China’s hemp market

    On April 11, 2019 Yield Growth (BOSS.C) engaged Pontier Services to “set up Urban Juve hemp beauty products” for sale through China’s most popular messaging app, WeChat. “Yield Growth has developed a portfolio of cannabis-based “wellness formulas” – under the Urban Juve brand – with a dedicated range of skin and body care formulations.” If…

  • Ceylon Graphite (CYL.V) crowned at Hong Kong Mining Conference

    Ceylon Graphite (CYL.V) crowned at Hong Kong Mining Conference

    600 mega-rich “buy-side” investors controlling $1.1 trillion in assets, descended on Hong Kong last week for the Asia Mines and Money conference. There were also hundreds of resource companies in attendance.  Six of them were short-listed for the Asia Pacific Mining Exploration Company of the Year:  Blackham Resources, Ceylon Graphite, CleanTeQ, New Century Resources, Novo…

  • China’s strange love-hate relationship with blockchain

    China’s strange love-hate relationship with blockchain

    After the Great Data Rush of 2017, the blockchain sector is cooling.  Opportunistic companies like “Organic Blockchain Landscaping” and “Zesty Blockchain Pizza” are melting in the spring rain. Crypto-miner Hive (HIVE.V) has sunk from $4.71 on October 31, 2017 to $1.26, while Bitcoin fell from a high of $20,000 to under $7,000. China has played…

  • U.S. investors are about to blow $1.5 billion on something they don’t understand

    U.S. investors are about to blow $1.5 billion on something they don’t understand

    Beijing, China – Yesterday I had lunch with a 28-year-old electrical engineer named Xiao Jian in the Xidan Commercial District in central Beijing. While he’s at work, Xiao Jian’s pregnant wife stays in their 1-bedroom apartment in the Shunyi district – a 90 minute 1-way trip, via bus and subway. What this young man does…