4 July 2024

Howe Street Reporter Title

Tag: environment

  • Canada: A Critical Minerals Paradise Poised for Green Energy Transition

    Canada: A Critical Minerals Paradise Poised for Green Energy Transition

    The race to secure a sustainable future powered by green energy continues to intensify, driving global demand for critical minerals vital to this transition. Few countries are as blessed with such an abundance of these resources as Canada. From lithium to uranium, copper to rare earth elements, Canada’s geological wealth is unmatched. This bountiful nation…

  • Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    Three hot alternative energy companies to keep on your radar

    If you’re still into crypto it’s become a familiar refrain: another day and another dollar lost. The prices are down and consumer confidence is toast. Even some long term dyed-in-the-wool hodlers are wondering if maybe the dire prognostications about the death of crypto may come true. They won’t to be sure, but if the continual…

  • Cult Food Sciences Corp. (CULT.C): Should you invest?

    Cult Food Sciences Corp. (CULT.C): Should you invest?

    Lab-Grown Profits Spoiler alert, I don’t know. Whether you decide to invest in Cult Food Sciences Corp. (CULT.C) or not, the cultured meat sector is a complicated beast. In 2021, the Global Cultured Meat Market was expected to reach USD$127.67 million compared to USD$110.09 million in 2020. Looking forward, the market is estimated to reach…

  • Unsolicited Advice From Your Resident Plant-Based Expert

    Unsolicited Advice From Your Resident Plant-Based Expert

    Fear Versus Facts You don’t know until you try. In my 25 years of existence, this was arguably the best piece of unsolicited advice I have received. Granted, it was given to me by the heroin addict outside of my London apartment, this advice still rings true today. With this in mind, having tirelessly scoured…

  • Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    Mag One Products (MDD.C) up 46% in six weeks, 23% today, turning magnesium tailings into gold

    [perfectpullquote align=”full” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Not literal gold, you nimrods. Figurative gold.[/perfectpullquote] When we first met Mag One Products (MDD.C) and their CEO, Gillian Holcroft, back in early June, they were floating around at $0.085 a share, having traded as low as $0.05 in the previous nine months, touting their technique for clearing…

  • Robix Environmental Technologies (RZX.C): Cleaning up on cleaning up oil’s act

    Robix Environmental Technologies (RZX.C): Cleaning up on cleaning up oil’s act

    If you’re someone who thinks the world should use less oil, that we shouldn’t be building pipelines, that we should do everything we can to move away from fossil fuels, do I have an energy stock for you. No, it’s not wind turbines. No, it’s not solar cells, or lithium batteries, or weed or pills.…