This Week in Crypto: Hand in the Cookie Jar Edition
Given that the United States is once again going to the cookie jar to raise the debt ceiling and foist this generation’s financial issues onto the next generation (or the next after that… or after that) you’d think this week in crypto would be all about people bailing out of their positions, and piling their…
This Week in Crypto: A cryptocurrency and blockchain roundup featuring LNK.C, MARA.Q, CSTR.C, HUT.T, BTCS.OTCQB, CWRK.C, GLXY.T, APP.C, GBLC.C
Most of the news you’re going to find on public companies in the crypto and blockchain space is going to be on mining. Sometimes you’ll see a company on the periphery of decentralized finance, or in the burgeoning sub-sector of cryptocurrency custodianship, but mostly it’s miners. This week isn’t much different. But mining itself also…