Trading Places: Gamestop (GME.NYSE) has Wall Street shitting bricks because ‘the poors’ figured out their scam
A friend said his Twitter timeline today looks like the last 15 minutes of the movie Trading Places, and he’s right. In what may have been the world’s most effective troll event, Reddit users at r/wallstreetbets got together and decided the insane level of short selling on some companies by billionaire finance bros might be…
E-Sports ETFs are terrible and not really about e-sports, but what is?
Zynga (ZNGA.Q), the mobile video game developer, is a terrible investment. The sort of large company that only stays large because it’s large to begin with, thereby attracting dumb investment from institutional folks who buy the things they see mentioned on CNBC, Zynga made US$280 million in revenues last quarter, dropping a net loss of…