6 July 2024

Howe Street Reporter Title

Tag: NEO

  • Today’s Idea: Filament Health (FH.NE) Gaining Traction

    Today’s Idea: Filament Health (FH.NE) Gaining Traction

    Problematic Psychedelics? Psychedelics and mental health treatment go together like orange juice and toothpaste. That’s what I would have said five years ago. Prior to the publication of multiple peer-reviewed studies, I adamantly believed psychedelics would melt your brain. In retrospect, that belief is just about as bogus as going to hell for premarital hand-holding.…

  • Plantable Health Inc. (PLBL.NE) Watches Its Waist

    Plantable Health Inc. (PLBL.NE) Watches Its Waist

    We all gained our “Quarantine 15.” As a result of COVID-19 restrictions, I have spent the last month vegetating in my room. Much like the furniture in my room, I have begun collecting dust, or is that dandruff? My perception of time has been warped to the point that an instant feels like an eternity.…

  • What is the NEO exchange, and how is it making the stock market less scammy?

    What is the NEO exchange, and how is it making the stock market less scammy?

    The Wild Wild West I was skeptical when I came across a new stock exchange I had never heard of before. Through reporting on the cannabis industry I saw how lenient certain exchanges were on a lot of the scams in the space, and there were many. The CSE and OTC exchanges especially became like…