Tag: resources
Tisdale Clean Energy (TCEC.C): A 20-yr uranium basket case until… just now
If you factor in all the rollbacks and the sell-offs and the flat years and the crashes, the downturns and boardroom battles and pivots and losses, Tisdale Clean Energy Corp (TCEC.C) has been a decades-long garbage disposal for investor dollars. But a funny thing has been happening in the last month, since Vancouver mining guy…
Ashley Gold (ASHL.C) CEO is tired of waiting around, wants drills in the ground
Conventional wisdom in the junior mining world is, if your stock price isn’t ramping up, and the market isn’t giving love to anyone, the one thing to do in a hurry is wait. Just.. wait. Pay yourself of course, because you’re not a charity. And maybe put out a news release about some conference you’re…
Niocorp Developments (NB.T) gaps keep filling as stock runs hard
UPDATE: Niocorp has ripped a further $1+ since this article was posted, now sitting at $7 and showing the first signs of profit taking. We talked up Niocorp Developments (NB.T) eighteen months ago as a rare earths explorer with an elite project, advancing quickly, and rolling into a rich SPAC. It looked pretty darn tasty.…
Core Story: Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) opens two fronts on the lithium exploration plan
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) attracted no attention the first time we mentioned it. “Oh, cool, another lithium project, how original,” barked the usual naysayers in the usual places naysayers say nay. But Penny White has faced down the cynics before, plenty of times (including some we’ve reported on), but she’s not infamous for fading away. Rather,…
The Core Story: West High Yield Resources (WHY.V) has taken 20 years to be next in line
Part of what makes investing in mining explorers interesting is, you never know when your horse is running. You can trot down to fraser Downs and place a bet on a horse and, when the gates open, it’ll be off and running. Win or lose, at least you know there’s going to be a result.…
The Core Story: Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) is popping off, like we said it would
Over the last few months, we said – repeatedly – that the uranium explorer most likely to get momentum wasn’t the big ones, where the market cap had already run, and wasn’t the tiny ones, where production might be years out, it was the guys in the middle, with plenty of projects, plenty of partners,…
The Core Story: Beyond Lithium (BY.C) amasses a stonking great lithium portfolio
In Ontario, there’s nobody that has a larger stockpile of lithium projects than Beyond Lithium (BY.C). But as a prospect generator, where they differ from many in the space is they’re activdly working the vast majority of those spaces, plumbing a load of the 450 historic holes they lord over, and finding lithium-bearing pegmatites left…
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) completes Trans Taiga Lithium Project acquisition
Let’s be honest, right now there isn’t a broker in Canada that hasn’t put together a lithium exploration vehicle, which indicates not just that there’s a lot of interest in green energy, but also that it’s tough to show you’re serious in your efforts to build an actual company in that space. Lancaster Resources (LCR.C)…