Tag: resources
Why I bought it: Ashley Gold (ASHL.C)
This past month I participated in a financing for a gold exploration company called Ashley Gold (ASHL.C). You may be wondering why, at a time when gold explorers are throwing nooses over the rafters and writing ‘goodbye cruel world’ notes, I would commit to leaving my cash in a four-month hold on one of them,…
Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V) snapping up new Athabasca ground
In an audacious strut, Skyharbour Resources (SYH.V), fearless prancers in the uranium exploration dance, have upped the ante once again, pulling out the map and laying claim to seven fresh chunks of land in Northern Saskatchewan. Their appetite for uranium and land that may host it seems insatiable, and their eyes gleam with the glint…
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) is a tightly coiled ESG-ready lithium play with everything going for it
In 2016, a couple of polished young mining execs tapped on everyone’s computer screens and said, “Hey, not sure if you’ve noticed yet but everything you rely on right now for your work, play, and – soon – transport is running on lithium ion batteries. So, hey, maybe getting your hands on a solid supply…
Lancaster Resources (LCR.C) will make you a believer, as the sun burns you alive
If you’re not big on mining and resource exploration as an investment opportunity, I get it. I really do. The resource crowd can be very inside baseball and a little old school, which is weird when you consider that nearly every video game that’s been a success in the last 20 years has some sort…
Brascan Resources (BRAS.C): A multi-sector bet with heavily undervalued ‘bananas’ potential
I like betting on rocks. Microcap mining delivers the investor the sort of high risk/high reward opportunities that, if they get just a little bit of love from the retail audience, can really deliver multiples in return for a small bet. But if there’s one thing I like when I’m gambling – and make no…
This Canadian infrastructure stock forecasts sizable growth in 2022
Finning International (FTT.T) is a Canadian infrastructure stock you may want to put on your radar. Sure, it isn’t sexy like most meme-stocks, but it is part of an invisible force that helps drive the structural progress of three continents. A silent soldier that soundlessly expands its business while paying a reliable quarterly 2.44% dividend…
Flashback: Find someone to love you like the market loves Gold Mountain Mining (GMTN.V)
Originally posted June 22: If you invest in mineral exploration companies and know what you’re doing, I don’t need to tell you about Gold Mountain Mining (GMTN.V). You already know. GMTN is breaking all the rules of how you run an exploration company and making CEOs of other outfits look decidedly pedestrian in the process.…
Arizona Silver Exploration (AZS.V) drops monster drill results on a day every resource stock got killed
They say timing is everything in comedy, but the same goes for resource stocks. Mining explorers spend years raising money and kicking rocks, eventually sending drills out into the wilderness, and then they wait months for the results to come back. Over time they hope two things will happen next: That they get great numbers…