5 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Tag: Rollilng Stone

  • MedMen (MMEN.C) Q3, 2019 revenues and a devastating Rolling Stone article

    MedMen (MMEN.C) Q3, 2019 revenues and a devastating Rolling Stone article

    It’s true: we do enjoy kicking MedMen (MMEN.C) around. Why do we dislike this grotesquely unprofitable company so intensely? Because Adam Bierman (CEO) and Andrew Modlin (President) are greedy. Not – “I-fly-1st-class-and-pay-my-workers-minimum-wage” greedy. Not – “I-cheat-on-my-taxes” greedy. Not – “I’m-unloading-cheap-paper-through-a-numbered-company” greedy. Crazy, almost psychopathically greedy. We dislike them for the same reason we dislike Namaste’s…