10 March 2025

Howe Street Reporter Title

Tag: smartphones

  • Today’s Idea: VERSES Technologies Inc. sets the stage for Web 3.0

    Today’s Idea: VERSES Technologies Inc. sets the stage for Web 3.0

    Futuristic Shock & Awe As a kid, we all grew up fantasizing about the day we could finally immerse ourselves in a virtual world. Movies like Ready Player One or shows like Sword Art Online popularized the idea of making reality our own through the use of technology. Today, the same tools we dreamt about…

  • Put on your tinfoil hats, it’s time to talk about 5G

    Put on your tinfoil hats, it’s time to talk about 5G

    The Future Is Now, Old Man Believe it or not, 5G wasn’t responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic. Hot take, I know. Despite this, there were over 90 arson and sabotage attacks on mobile masts in the United Kingdom (UK) at the peak of this conspiracy theory in 2020. The year is now 2022, however, some still…