Tag: technology
PredictMedix: Value Meets Growth
Technology is different from every other sector by virtue of one important factor – it scales. Because technology is scaleable, firms penetrate international markets easily, exercise greater pricing power, and capture bigger margins. Businesses exist to solve problems. In solving problems, they create value. Capturing that value, on the other hand, is independent of how…
Leaping Forward: PredictMedix (PMED.C) partners with TechMahindra
Keynes once said that “the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent”. Fundamentals departed market valuation long ago, but you could’ve at least expected market reaction to be in response to COVID-19 related news. Except it seems like that’s no longer the case.
Fans Unite (FANS.C) to amalgamate with Askott Entertainment in $26m deal to build e-sports/sport betting giant
In baseball, the best trade between teams, it’s often been said, is one in which both teams think they got the better end of the deal. Today’s announcement between Fans Unite (FANS.C) and privately held but long considered public listing-bound Askott Entertainment appears to be just one of those deals. The pair have entered into…
Last Mile Holdings (MILE.V): A micro-sized macro transport revolution just begging to be done right
Micro-mobility ride-sharing, which is the terminology that’s been coined for e-scooters, bike-shares, mopeds and the like, is clearly an idea that has a future. Small enough to park anywhere (we’ll get to the dark side of that in a second), cheap enough to mass produce, able to be electrified and charged easily, and tied to…
FansUnite (FANS.C) sports book debuts on the CSE, pandemic be damned
We get a lot of clients wanting to be written about on Mondays because that’s when everyone drops their good news. I usually try to tell them Friday is the sweet spot, because they have less competition on the good news front (the Friday bad news dump is real), and their stories will be read…
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C) high performance computing power attracts Artificial Intelligence contract
AMPD Ventures (AMPD.C), which recently topped up its bank account to bring in more sales folks, announced some sales today, with a news release pointing to a new contract with an artificial intelligence company. AMPD Ventures Inc. has signed a deal with Variational AI Inc. to supply machine-learning infrastructure hosted at AMPD’s DC1 sustainable data…
Nano One Materials (NNO.V) raising money at $1.15 while stock runs to $1.45
BC-based battery metals developer Nano One Materials (NNO.V) has long been a favourite at Equity.Guru – in fact, it’s been the stock we’ve held longest out of all the companies we hold. That’s been a wise decision, as we’ve watched it roll from $0.50 a few years back to $1.15 more recently, but the one…