1 October 2024

Howe Street Reporter Title

Beyond Minerals (BY.C) a case of pedigree and property

When a company comes out of the public market gate, sometimes it is so new, its current story hasn’t made it to a website. This certainly can punish a company by possibly signaling to potential investors that it isn’t ready for business. But is that always the case? What other factors can be considered until a web designer creates a pretty box to house a company’s mandate so it can be easily accessed without digging through press releases?

At first blush, Beyond Minerals (BY.C) is a lithium junior explorer, one of many in a world making the transition to green energy. But upon closer inspection, there are a couple of factors that set it apart from the madding crowd.


It is often said that when investing in a newly minted operation, you are betting just as much or more on the jockey than the horse. Beyond Minerals is a case of just that.

Co-founder, Alain Lambert, is a near-thirty-year veteran of the capital markets and president of Cpvc Financial. He is also the co-founder of Prismo Metals (PRIZ.C) as well as the co-founder, chairman and CEO of Cyprium Mining (CUG.V).

President and CEO, Allan Frame, has deep experience in the business of mining for 47 years financing junior resource companies where he held executive positions at Yorkton Securities, Macquarie Group, Richardson GMP and Haywood Securities.

During that time, he helped raise several hundreds of millions of dollars and is associated with multiple major discoveries, including the original Snip and Eskay Creek discoveries now owned by Skeena Resources.

Frame also led Beyond Minerals’ IPO in 2022 when he was a broker at Haywood and currently is the Director of Business Development for Prismo Metals.

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Beyond Minerals concentrates on working the earth in Ontario where property can be bought on the cheap compared to Quebec but with similar prospectivity.

Currently the company has picked up lithium assets around Frontier Lithium’s property in the Great Lakes region as well as near Green Technology Metals’ properties.

Closeolgy is the key for Beyond as Frontier has currently delineated two premium spodumene bearing lithium deposits on its property and Green Technology Metals has recorded 9.9 Mt at 1.04% Li2O in accordance with the JORC code.

The Road Ahead

Less than a month into his new position, Frame already has definitive plans for Beyond. He intends to accelerate the acquisition and optioning of additional lithium assets and put together an extensive exploration plan for the current calendar year.

This isn’t some grab bag of properties, under Frame’s leadership, acquisitions and optioning will be built on four pillars of consideration. First, there will be a focus on quality assets for which extensive geological data is available. Secondly, Beyond will maintain financial discipline in all of its business aspects. Thirdly, the company will continue to concentrate on Ontario assets, but will remain open to strategic transactions in other jurisdictions. Lastly, Beyond will maintain a share structure that is favorable to value creation for the company’s shareholders.

Share structure is tight at Beyond with 15.41 million shares outstanding and a public float of 10.37 million shares. There is also a decent volume of trading with a 65-day average volume of 38,060.

So, plans are in place with new innovative direction and lofty 12-month goals. However, there are no crystal balls, so the future cannot be seen, but the build up at Beyond speaks of a junior explorer ready to rev. Keep this one on your radar. Remember to do your own due diligence and speak to a registered investment professional before making any investment decisions.

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Beyond Minerals currently trades at $0.31 CAD per share for a market cap of $4.93 million.

Beyond Minerals Stock Chart YTD 03-22-23

*Full disclosure: Beyond Minerals is an Equity Guru marketing client.


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